How did growing up in home daycare affect your own kids?
This question is for home daycare providers with children of their own who have been in the business for a long time. Now that your kids are older what do you think the effects were of raising them in your home daycare? Pros, cons, how it affected their personalities, your relationship and overall mental health.
I started a home daycare to be able to stay home with my kids but still bring in an income. My son is 3 1/2 my daughter is 9 months. So far so good my son loves having all these kids around and asks about them on the weekends, misses they when they’re absent or find a different care arrangement and generally doesn’t want them to go home. My daughter is the easiest happiest baby I’ve ever seen and pretty much amuses herself rarely crying or demanding my attention. Sometimes I feel like she gets a little jealous when I feed the other babies but she just watches no whining or crying. My son occasionally has issues sharing the toys but that’s about it. I feel guilty I don’t have that much one on one time with them as I’d hoped at least not during daycare hours. As far as I can tell they are happy with the home daycare thing for now but am concerned if the lack of one on one attention might effect them negatively later in life.
Also I plan on having one more kid and going back to my original career field (healthcare) after they start school so my oldest would probably be 10-12 when I wrap things up with the daycare