Mirage is the most non-sensical hero in the game right now?

Heyo. Just wanted to ask if you feel that way too.

His kit doesn't have any synergy, everything is like a pack of different abilities from different heroes and they do not combine well with each other.

Shooting scarabs to steal health? Dashing in Tornado? Explosive passive that gives a ton of damage? Global teleportation? The core gameplay also involves standing and shooting most of the time to get this passive work. Isn't it boring?

Most of the heroes in the game at least have unique personalities and abilities, even in the way of using them. Do you feel the same way about Mirage? I don't. It's like just looking at an absolutely empty wall and feeling nothing.

This character could literally possess some of the ideas from Sand King in Dota 2, for example.

I would see his kit like this:

  1. Sand Pit that gives slow and tremor that deals damage tick if the enemy is standing on it

  2. Tornado to catch slowed enemy, to keep them on that tremor, or whatever else you do with it currently

  3. Passive that would give you stacks but you can choose between dealing damage or healing yourself. You don't need to shoot those weird projectiles of scarabs anymore to heal and focus more on actual combat and the choices you make.

  4. Sandstorm AOE. First of all, that would make the modding of sound with the song pretty cool. Second, it would decrease vision around Mirage for everyone and would either give some buffs or deal damage tick to everyone standing inside.

Another version might be an actual Mirage, as in the name, that leaves sand clones in a small area. Each clone has a sand pit (1st skill) under it. So, they are like turrets covering the area, dealing AOE damage and amplifying it when there are a bunch of them until enemies start breaking them.

Might be not ideal but this is a rough sketch in my mind that could work for a character that has at least some synergy in abilities