Tell me what to do. Please.
I literally could not give less of a shit about our job. I don't know how to do it and I'd rather watch paint dry than do it. How do I tell our contractor about this?
Like, the little worker bee alter loves the job, they do the job and they do it well and love the praise they get because of it. Me, on the other hand? You couldn't pay me to care. Literally.
I've been trying to trigger them out. I've been sitting in their workspace for the past hour, clicking around on the chromebook, looking at their gmail, yet there's nothing. Not a sound. Just the hovering fact that there's work that isn't being done.
What the fuck do I do? Pull up an email and talk out of my ass for a paragraph? "Hey, boss ma'am. You ever heard of Multiple Personality Disorder? Yeah, it's called Dissociative Identity Disorder now and there's a silimilar disorder to it called Other Specified Dissociative Disorder. I have one of those and you're just gonna have to take my word for it. Sorry but I don't give a shit about any of this 🤷🏾. I'll hit you up when the worker bee is back though."
My contractor emailed my fucking mom because I've been MIA for not even a full 24 hours and she just interrogated me on the most obvious shit to be. - her: Are you working? - me: No. - her: Should you be working? - me: Yeah. - her: So why are you not working? - me: I dunno. - her: I just got an email saying you weren't working. - me: because I haven't been.
And then she repeats the questions like I'm speaking a different language, talking slowly like I'm some fucktard who doesn't understand that people are relying on me to do my job (aka, what she tells me every single time without fail whenever I fuck up). "When you have a job, it means people are relying on you." Yeah, no fucking shit. That doesn't change the fact I'm not fucking doing it right now. The fuck am I supposed to say? "I'll get on it right away! 😁" I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a liar.
I told her that I wasn't the one that cared about this and she kept saying "So you're telling me you don't care?" And I'm like, "No. I'm saying I'm not the one that cares. There's another one that does care, but I'm not that one right now."
So yeah, what do I say? I've brought this up several times to my psychiatrist and the 3 therapists I've seen since 2022. The therapsits didn't know what the hell I was talking about and my psychiatrist didn't even give enough of a shit to let me finish talking before interrupting me with some shit about how she'd know if I had alters so I've got jack shit backing me up but my word. My mom just launched another interrogation as I was typing this up and I ended up spilling the beans on the whole opperation so now Zion is pissed at me too. I don't fucking care, bro! The fuck do you want‽