Can find a crossbow scope that meets my “needs”

So I have a 4x32 standard scope that came with my cross bow but where I hunt I don’t see deer until dark EVER. It has the standard 4 bar reticule. But I can’t differentiate the bars even though I can see the deer. I got a Cabela’s intensity for Christmas but I don’t like it because its reticule is yardage marked but the magnification is reduced to 2.5x for my speed.

I want something brighter or illuminated but I can’t find any thing that meets that without loosing magnification because of yardage markings. I would love something illuminated but just using bar markers….

I can’t find apertures above 32mm either that aren’t insanely priced.

I don’t want to give up that magnification even if people say I shouldn’t need it. I bow hunt because the rules are very oppressive where I have access to hunt compared to other relatively close areas.