$2.60 Cheeseburger? $9 Pizza? Menus…
So, we have over 500 menus that we’ve helped relocate over many years. I’ve also bought a few online that were too good to let go. I traveled a lot in the 90s for shoots all over the globe and I was always on the ready for a fun or unique menu.
Tonite I started to sift through a few to show and I’m going to catalog them all over the next few days or so.
Probably more of, “or so.”
It is really fun to see food prices. I tend to gauge things on burger prices. Maybe appetizers. But it’s all fun and especially when you see that $4.95 burger / add $1 for fries. Or the $9 12” pizza. How about a $13 rack of KC BBQ ribs? They’re like $30 today.
The Planet Hollywood NYC menu is giant! Must be so you don’t try to take one…
Here are a few to view. I’ll report back before summer. Cheers and let’s get some nachos.