Need Advice Regarding Base Lag/Freezes
I have an outpost built near Sepermeru, just northeast of Rhinohorn Ridge, on a cliff overlooking the stretch of desert toward Fingerfang Rock. It started small but has grown over months and months. Center of it is roughly a 10x15 rectangle with a 7x8, 3-story building. I have a tavern on the second floor. My modest living space is below it with storage.
It has expanded to include a map room to the southeast. Your standard circular foundation set up. Recently, I built a bridge to the adjacent cliff once someone's base decayed over there, and built another rectangular structure on that side.
My base seems modestly-sized in comparison to other players' bases I come across.
For example, on the North side of Sepermeru, behind Klael's Stronghold, a clan has built a big honking base that has a huge, tall, two-tower land bridge stretching from Relicwatcher Rise to Ironbreaker Ridge. They have Pyramids, big Argossean Astrologer buildings housing tons of workbenches, giant staircases climbing up entire cliff faces, walls full of dancers near an outdoor tavern set up where patrons walk back and forth to sit in chairs to watch the dancers, elevators, all the religious altars, a multi-towered square fort/castle kind of thing with a map room, rows of sacrficial altars, etc.
When I run thru all of that stuff, my game performs fine.
As soon as I approach my base, either running toward it from the desert below, or running from Sepermeru, my textures drop down to mud, and it's a coin flip whether my game freezes or not.
I read thru the whole 'foundations vs pillars+ceilings' nonsense, which doesn't seem to 1) be factual and 2) doesn't seem to apply, considering the size of the other base I just detailed in this post, but I did see that overlapping light sources can cause major lag, which I am guilty of, as well as using a ton of placeables, which I am somewhat guilty of as well.
I tend to do a lot of mood lighting with Radiant Torches and Dyes, and I do love to decorate my spaces, so I removed roughly 3/4ths of my lighting, only keeping about six radiant torches that are spread out across my base as well as whatever light sources seemed like they existed far enough away from each other, and I cleaned up a lot of items I had that I didn't necessarily need to have placed in my base. Picked up a lot of carpets, Remembrance items, wall and floor paints, etc. Mainly focusing on stuff that seemed to always be the last things to crisp up when getting rendered.
Still, the lag and freezing persists (although it seems to have gotten slightly better).
Does anyone have any insight as to what I can do on my end regarding my base's performance? It just baffles me, considering the scope of my neighbors' bases, that mine is causing the game to freeze.