Made quick legend with Aggro Priest

### Aggro

# Class: Priest

# Format: Standard

# Year of the Pegasus


# 2x (1) Acupuncture

# 2x (1) Brain Masseuse

# 2x (1) Crimson Clergy

# 2x (1) Funnel Cake

# 2x (1) Miracle Salesman

# 2x (1) Ship's Chirurgeon

# 2x (2) Dreamboat

# 2x (2) Orbital Halo

# 2x (2) Pet Parrot

# 2x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize

# 1x (2) Scale Replica

# 1x (3) Chillin' Vol'jin

# 1x (3) Gorgonzormu

# 1x (3) Pip the Potent

# 2x (3) Trusty Fishing Rod

# 1x (7) Aman'Thul

# 2x (7) Thirsty Drifter

# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

# 1x (3) Pylon Module

# 1x (4) Ticking Module




# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Not sure how known this is, but this deck seems incredibly strong in the current meta. D10 - Legend I had a winrate of 24-7 with 3 losses to Reno Warrior, 2 to Reno Death Knight, 1 to Elemental Mage, and 1 to Starship Druid Overall.

The game plan is relatively easy. Focus on early 1 drops that you can buff with Orbital Halo or Power Chord Synchronize. Ship's Chirurgeon is incredibly beneficial if you can copy it with Synchronize or Pet Parrot because most decks are unable to deal with the increased health of your minions. Most wins I got were from flooding the board and repeatedly hitting face with multiple minions. Acupuncture helped me a number of times when taunts or armor got in the way of lethal by board. If the game goes late, you have Aman'Thul to give you some extra board clear to secure the final damage. This was the way I won most Death Knight matchups

The deck hard counters elemental mage and that was the deck I farmed most wins against. Out of 10 elemental mage matchups, I lost 1. They are completely unable to deal with the constant oppressive board state unless they high roll solar flares with Saruun (the one loss I had was to this). In this matchup, aim for starting the game with Brain Masseuse, Miracle Salesman, Orbital Halo, and Pet Parrot. This allows you to flood the board almost immediately and from that point, mage is unable to keep up. Most of these games were over by turn 6.

Death Knight was surprisingly 50-50 for me. It all depended on mine and my opponents start. There were games I won by turn 4 and others that I lost because the Death Knight drew removal and stabilized with Air Lock Breach or Frosty Decor. Even then, you have options with Aman'Thul that can allow you to sneak lethals in. Gameplan here is the same, but be wary of Malted Magma clearing the board if you are unable to play Ship's Chirurgeon

Warrior is the worst matchup by far. Every game I won against warrior felt like I cheated the system because it was so close. Most of my wins were due to the opponent not drawing their removal while I drew pretty well. Always be wary of brawls and make sure not to overextend with minions unless you have the resources in hand to refill your side. A lot of my tempo from this was based on drawing Gorgonzormu, letting the Warrior clear my board, then immediately flooding it again with Cheese Wheel. Don't expect to win this matchup, but it is definitely possible and worth playing out with good draw.

As for the other decks I saw:

Druid: Seems like a hard matchup, but I got lucky and only went against mostly OTK deck. The one starship Druid matchup annihilated me. Seems similar to Warrior in that you have to get lucky while they get unlucky.

Paladin: Only saw 2 and they weren't able to keep up with the aggro, same plan as mage

Shaman: Similar to paladin, but you have to play carefully around malted magma. I only encountered 2 and didn't lose either

Priest: 50/50 since the only ones I saw were playing aggro. I drew better, so I won

Rogue: Saw once and never again

Hunter: Same gameplan as mage, but you have to hope they don't hit the lifesteal with rush that hits adjacent minions. I didn't encounter too many and the ones I saw were not able to pick up before I had lethal

Demon Hunter: Never saw any

Warlock: Only saw 1 which was playing pain warlock and gave me lethal turn 3

All in all, it was a surprisingly smooth climb through the ranks and it shocked me how strong the deck was. It 100% takes advantage of the absurd amount of Elemental Mage there is. Good luck with the climb!