UPDATE: AITA For Constantly Messaging Them?

Hey all! I have an update on my post from yesterday. If you have not seen it, here is the link: OG Post. This just in...I called the seller this morning. So I found out that the seller has an Instagram page as well as her eBay shop. For the safety of the seller, I am not releasing the name. Please don't go and attack her. I was able to find a phone number for her shop. I googled and made sure that area code was consistent with where the item was coming from. It was legit. I gave them a call. The woman spoke Spanish (she is in the southern states of the US). I asked if this was **redacted** shop. She answered, 'yes'. I asked if she spoke English. She answered with, 'si'. I asked about the dress that I ordered and calmly asked if that was going to be sent out soon. It sounded like there was another girl or someone else that was with her that interpreted for her. The girl told me that they were going to ship it today, and they apologized for the inconvenience. As a recovering people pleaser, I answered with, "Oh ok, it's fine. Things happen." We hung up, and I immediately came here.

P.S, I love you Charlotte!!! Praise the Petty Potato Queen!!!!!!!

Edit (12/19/24): I finally got the dress today! It actually looks okay, but I’m still gonna give her a neutral/negative review for the service and how to treated the situation.