CharacterAI is using my voice and it's deeply unsettling me. Is there anything I can do about this?

EDIT: Holy SHIT, they actually removed my voice! I can't believe how fast their response was. My voice has been completely removed from the multiple chat bots. For any voice actors who find this in the future and have the same problem I had, I strongly suggest you contact them via ticket support and politely tell them you do not want your voice on the website anymore, as you did not give permission.

I voiced a character in an indie game that has a fan following. Today I discovered there are like 20+ CharacterAI creations all featuring my voice. I've looked into the copyright/DMCA stuff, but I'm not sure if that applies here because it's a part of a Creative Commons license, meaning I have voiced this character for different people's projects and there's no trademark on the character.

I am not famous or well known, I'm just a private citizen that did not consent to having my voice being used like this. I actually chatted with "myself" for a second and hearing my own voice respond back to me felt like something out of a horror film. It was really disturbing.

Am I legally able to request a takedown all of these AI creations?