AUD is the hardest exam

I recently passed FAR and AUD. Took TCP couple days ago. I can assume that REG will be challenging but not as bad as FAR or AUD.

I’d say 80% of the people that post scores have audit as their lowest grade. Idk why more people don’t see it as the worst one. Reasons below:

  1. The study approach is not comparable to the other tests. U straight up have to memorize a book that is larger than all the others. Not to mention incredibly dense and convoluted (everything sounds the exact same A1-A4)

  2. The other exams have mechanics that you can train through repetition. You recognize the call of the question and with enough practice can do the mcq in ur sleep. AUD mcq is getting down to 2 answers that are both correct but having to choose which is MORE correct. Your reading comprehension has to be spot on and you have to be far more active when practicing mcq.

  3. The sims for AUD have the most exhibits and you need to cross reference them. The others exams will have a good amount of exhibits but I’ve seen several instances in which one exhibit corresponds to only one answer needed in ur sim. AUD will have you with 5 open exhibits questioning why you’re even doing this.

My 2 cents