Shibble rescue gets upset about ppl telling the truth about the breed, subsequently false reports and bans anyone who doesn't worship at the altar of their maulers
I'm not familiar all of the comments that provoked this post, but apparently the volume of "negative" comments was high enough to bring about their response. So much to unpack...
"They don't exist to harm anyone..." - Ummmmm that's LITERALLY what they were created to do - Maul other animals for bloodsport.
I know nutters have a poor grasp of the English language but I absolutely DESPISE when they use words like "Prejudice" and "Discrimination" to describe the treatment of their beast. Both words inherently suggest that the rejection of their dangerous bloodsport mutts ISN'T based on a reasonable premise. It would be like going to the local pool with a shark or electric eel in the water and being called a "bigot" or "discriminatory" because you refused to swim with it out of safety concerns.
I also find it hilariously hypocritical and ironic that they speak about "challenging the myths" while simultaneously stiffling ANY good faith debate by instantly banning people who don't say lovely things about shibbles. These muppets are always quick to call someone "ignorant" while also being wholely unwilling to engage and "educate" us 🤣
The cherry on top is when they said the quiet part out loud - Their shibbles are "sacred" to them. Cult talk, folks. These people are deranged.
We have quite a ways to go but hopefully this is indicative that public sentiments on shibbles are moving in the right direction.
I'm not familiar all of the comments that provoked this post, but apparently the volume of "negative" comments was high enough to bring about their response. So much to unpack...
"They don't exist to harm anyone..." - Ummmmm that's LITERALLY what they were created to do - Maul other animals for bloodsport.
I know nutters have a poor grasp of the English language but I absolutely DESPISE when they use words like "Prejudice" and "Discrimination" to describe the treatment of their beast. Both words inherently suggest that the rejection of their dangerous bloodsport mutts ISN'T based on a reasonable premise. It would be like going to the local pool with a shark or electric eel in the water and being called a "bigot" or "discriminatory" because you refused to swim with it out of safety concerns.
I also find it hilariously hypocritical and ironic that they speak about "challenging the myths" while simultaneously stiffling ANY good faith debate by instantly banning people who don't say lovely things about shibbles. These muppets are always quick to call someone "ignorant" while also being wholely unwilling to engage and "educate" us 🤣
The cherry on top is when they said the quiet part out loud - Their shibbles are "sacred" to them. Cult talk, folks. These people are deranged.
We have quite a ways to go but hopefully this is indicative that public sentiments on shibbles are moving in the right direction.