Not really thrilled about my upcoming birthday gift. Am I wrong for wanting something else?
(Throw away post - they also use reddit) I'm mentally struggling with this & I wanted to ask everyone here about it before I bring this up to my bf. So I(32F) have a birthday coming up in April. I already know what I'm getting & it wasn't planned. My bf(28M) loves wrestling. He is a huge wrestling buff. I wasn't into it much at first, but eventually it started to grow on me. I do enjoy it now, but not as much. I also have enjoyed the local shows we've been to a lot, but he bought the tickets & he was the whole reason I was there. It's not something I'd choose to do. Well, another local-ish show is coming up in March & he decided to get tickets for the show. Then later, he decides to make the show my birthday gift. I didn't expect that at all. He asked if that'd be okay & even though I wasn't really thrilled with the idea cuz wrestling is his thing, I couldn't think of anything else I'd want so I said okay. Now, fast forward a couple months. We both find out that one of my absolute favorite animes is going to be performed live. They are only doing 10 or 11 shows and only ONE is somewhat local to us. Also, this ONE day is merely days after my actual birthday. He knows how much I LOVE this anime and he saw how excited I got when I saw that they were going to be semi close,(roughly a 3.5hr drive) but he never brought it up again. If he had gotten us tickets, I'd definitely know. Whenever he has a surprise for me, he always reminds me that he can't wait till I see it or find out what it is. I can tell he hasn't snuck bought the tickets cuz he'd absolutely give away that he did sOmething. I guess it makes me sad, because I figured he'd be like....'well, I know I got us wrestling tickets months ago, but now this popped up & she'd obviously love to go'.. I mean, he did say he'd get me something else for my bday besides just the wrestling tickets, but so far I can tell he hasn't done anything. I wouldn't care so much if it wasn't just the one show and if I had a way to know if they'd be doing it again. For all I know, this could be the only time it'll be performed and if I miss out, I'll lose the chance. I don't want to have to ask him. I thought about mentioning it again, but I started to notice tickets disappearing and there are only certain seats I can afford and want. I ended up getting tickets myself for the seats I wanted. A front view on a balcony seat. No taller people to block my view. Those seats were disappearing faster & I'm not sure he's even thought about the show again since we last spoke of it. What do you all think I should do here? What would you do?
TL;DR - Not really thrilled about my upcoming birthday gift. Am I wrong for wanting something else?