I feel like my relationship is going no where, am I wrong
I’m coming up on five years with my boyfriend and I feel like our relationship is going nowhere. I (28f) have been dating my bf (30m) for almost five years now. I want marriage, kids, the whole nine yards but everything is on his timeline. I tell him we can get engaged and wait to get married. He won’t because he wants to live together first. I say fine, let’s look for a place but won’t because he wants to buy a house. It seems like an endless of pulling with no results. I try to be understanding but the thoughts just keep weighing on me and I just don’t know if it’s me or if I should be more understanding towards him. Ps. We have talked about kids, a future, and he will do for me when I need him but it feels like empty promises. I love him and I think he loves me but it feels like such a high school relationship to me on how things are going.