How do cops tell the identity of someone who refuses to identify or doesn't have ID?

My latest YouTube addiction has been bodycam videos, and I've seen a few of them where police will detain people who are either refusing to identify, or don't have an ID card of any sort and give a fake name, but the police quickly identify the individuals.

I know that they have the fingerprint scanner handy sometimes, or it's otherwise easy to tell if someone is giving a fake name when they run the fake name and DOB without hitting any results, but sometimes I've seen the cop say something like "I know you gave me a fake name, so do you want to start over (insert real name here)?".

This is a good video example, the girl never presents a physical ID, wasn't fingerprinted on the spot, yet the cop was able to confront her with her real name at the moment I have timestamped in the link.