FUCK the Food Industry!

I haven't eaten out in months. I REFUSE to go to McDonald's, chik-fil-a, burger king, et cetera, et cetera. I also refuse to drink soda, eat chocolate/desserts, and coffee. Doesn't matter what it is, or "how healthy it is," I simply refuse to eat out. How my anger is based is twofold. For one, the way in which workers are dehumanized for the sake of profit at the expense of both their physical and mental health is a massive one, as for the second, the food quality and production methods itself is just as devastating if not more. You simply cannot undermine this situation in question when it is your very own health on the line. Our inevitable asphyxiation was a calculated "risk" by these corporations hierarchy of schemes planned for the masses that we account for. We are to be victimized by these food industries because of their partnership with big tobacco and big pharma to pick us off as they ultimately maximize profit.

SSF's or sugar, sodium and fat are the big three nutrients of concern when it comes to ensuring that we are as addicted as scientifically possible to foods that are in actuality not food, but just substances that mimic the tastes of what they're marketed as identifying. These "nutrients" are engineered by food scientists in labs utilizing mathematical formulas such as the bliss point formula which perfects the SSF ratio. Another dirty trick is what is referred to as the vanishing caloric density formula which tricks your brain into thinking that you are not consuming that much so that you end up overeating or in other words, eating the whole bag and having to buy another. Another one is what is referred to as sensory specific satiety delay which is a formula used to counteract for when the brain gets bored with a single flavor by adding layered flavors to help you stay addicted and overweight. There is also sound engineering to make foods intentionally loud and crunchy to make you hungrier, among several other things. There's also chemical analysis, chromatography and spectroscopy involved too.

Around the 50's or maybe even 60's or so, big tobacco faced boycotting and this demonstration against these manufacturers prompted such companies to begin investing in food as an alternative. Kraft is an example. By result, they implemented similar methods of tobacco production and incorporated them into their food, such as the aforementioned methods in paragraph 2. Strange, that how when you look back prior to 1950, you do not see such rates of obesity and alike medical concerns. Furthermore, food is engineered in a similar manner to cigarettes. Think for a second about hyper or highly palatable foods and cigarettes by themselves; without chemicals, are they even as nearly satisfying? No. Which is why almost every food nowadays has chemical additives, artificial flavors and preservatives to keep you immobilized just enough so that you only have enough strength or energy left to rip open a bag of poison. Needless to say, nothing will be done about this. Chik-fil-a for example will continue to have 55-60 ingredients in their sandwiches, macaroni and suchlike, and people will still shove the garbage down their throats because they can't help themselves. You know it's bad when for example, a businessman or lawyer remarks about how he only smokes 1 cigarette per meeting a week to destress, but he wouldn't dare put himself near a bag of oreos because in todays age, foods are far more addictive than cigarettes themselves. It's gross! it's disgusting! It's shameful! As a 27 year old man, I refuse to give these FUCKS my money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!