How do I stop falling in love so fast?
so this girl, she’s a year younger than me, she sits behind me in my class one of them.
I slid up on her instagram story once and we’ve been talking ever since, like non stop, and I wanted to make my intentions known, so I flat told her like “you’re really pretty and i’d love to get to know you more” and she said “i’m not looking for a relationship right now, but I wanna be friends” but I don’t get it.
I was the first person she texted after getting into a car accident, she’s told me a lot that she didn’t tell anyone else, she told me that I want make her want to be a happier person and that she likes taking to me so much. (it’s only been a week btw)
I know I prob shouldn’t have stated my intentions so fast but I just felt like I needed to so we were both clear. we’re still talking as just friends but i’m just not over her. and idk how to be over her or why i’m so attached to her in the first place when it’s only been a week.
edit: she has stated that she doesn’t wanna date until she gets over her insecurities about her looks BEFORE I let her know my intentions.