Friends dropped me because I "outshine" them

I have (had) 2 friends, we are all 19 turning 20 and are sophomores in the same university. Have been friends for over a year now.

In general we got on well. We were similiar in the sense we didn't like clubbing or drinking and preferred calmer quieter activities and focusing on studies. They were kind and I liked that. It felt like a non toxic trio.

They were always more similiar to each other than they were to me. I dont want to call them spoilt, because they weren't in the obnoxious way, they just liked the finer more expensive things in life and never had to budget or worry about money. I have a scholarship and my dad pays my tuition so I'm still quite privileged, but it was always very clear I view work and money differently than they do. This didn't bother me so much, I felt friendship wasn't about being similiar, it's about being good to each other.

Recently I have felt them pulling away more. This has made me anxious as it has been something I have experienced in my past friendships. I decided instead of letting the anxiety build up and fester I would just directly outright ask them if they have an issue with me.

After some pushing and prodding, they said there were little things that have accumulated overtime. I asked what things and essentially they said when they're with me they feel outshined both socially and academically.

When we're out with friends I make people laugh and they feel like they're just there. When we present projects they feel that I talk too much and am too confident. This makes them feel unseen and insecure. They feel better when it's just the two of them. Or when they're with other people and I'm not there.

They said I was amazing and they loved me and care about me but they wanted to take a step back from our friendship. I was basically there crying for an hour as they just looked at me awkwardly. It was clear they'd justified it already with each other. They said they hoped I'd find friends who shined similarly to me.

Basically I told them that there is no stepping back. I'm not hanging around until they feel confident enough to be my friend. Especially not after making me feel so shit about something I'm not in control of. They weren't even going to outright tell me. They said they just wanted to pull away and let it happen naturally, because I'm so great I'd find other friends no problem. Which just feels so, cruel? To me? Ice me out slowly? They didn't feel bad because I recently got a job, and am doing projects outside of school, so in their minds I'm doing fine.

And I know I will be fine. I think just recently I had another situation where I felt my love and care was discarded without a second thought. And they knew this, and knew how badly it affected me, especially because the person didn't even tell me why, just slowly iced me out. Ig they were planning on doing the same thing, and that's just really hurtful.

I'm writing to rant and maybe get some advice. I know that as you grow in life you leave some people behind..I guess I didn't expect it to happen so soon, or in such a hurtful manner. I thought they were better than this.