My mom and her husband are fighting
So my mom and her husband got into a hit of dispute tonight nothing physical but an argument did take place. I was in bed and was called into their room to help defuse the situation. (For reference I am a on the final 2 weeks of the police academy so I tried to handle this as if it was a case.) I tried to get them to calm down and each of them tell me their sides of the story. The conclusion I came to was my mother’s husband was sleep talking and didn’t mean what he had said and at this point it’s really not important. When I entered the room I said we all need to stop yelling so I can figure out what’s happening. My mother kept saying what was going on and I said please stop I’m trying to get the story. She starts yelling at me saying I’m taking sides and being extremely disrespectful to her. I then told her In a stern but not yelling voice she needs to stop yelling at me because she called me in here to figure this out so let me do it. She again starts yelling at me and I say it again. I ended up getting my sister to talk to her husband and I talked to my mom and we came to a resolution. However before my mom went back to bed she told me I was disrespectful and was not in the right telling her to stop yelling. I told her what I said before that she called me so I came to diffuse the situation. She has texted me and told me I’m very disrespectful and am a very hatful person for how I was acting. Other than moving out what can I say to her to convey that she asked me to help them and I did what I could.