Why do most enchanter players go Seraphs?

I get that the shield is massive due to the heal-shield power youll be building but frankly, do enchanters need defensive items purely for themselves? Enchanters usually rack up the least deaths in any comb by a mile + ofc all the peel that can be used for your mates can also be used for oneself when it gets hot. Lulu polymorph or an Ivern shield might aswell be used to save oneself, that being a reason why enchanters dont die as much.

For the stats? AP and haste is utilized well by all of them, but for sure heal shield power is more impactful + most enchanter items grant a shitton of haste. And frankly, enchanters waste money buying mana. At the latest, I can consecutively spam all my spells by the time I got 2.5 items due to the mana Regen of the alternatives (FYI I always take manaflow too on enchanters, no presence however).

My usual build is moonstone into redemption, deviating on different champs or against or with different combs ofc. But anecdotally, my lulu shields look twice as big as of other lulus.

Seraphs just demands the most massive opportunity cost, while you partially dumb gold into a stat you dont need and a shield thats very seldom necessary