Ghost Snowball on tanks
Highly recommend you ditch flash for those 2, especially if youre a warden like Poppy or Taric. Snowball makes engaging a whole lot less complicated, and for Wardens, which ought to lack engage, suddenly grants you better one than Ornn. On Taric the difference is night and day, you randomly hit snowball you can immediately follow up with e into dash, all but guarantees your stun.
Ghost gives you much needed combat mobility, which most tanks are lacking.
Flash can be used for a lot, including combat mobility and engage ofc, snowball qualitively outdoes flash for engage however, and ghost for combat mobility. Cherry on top that theyre on much less cd.
Some tanks like flash for playmaking, Im thinking Sante here for example. And I still see myself ditching flash on him, on a matter of consistency ghost and snowball prove themselves far more valueable IMO.
Recently took flash ghost by accident on Sante. Felt horrible not beeing able to start shit as much as Im used to. Started ditching flash a good while ago for context.
Save yourself a headache, try it next time youre tank, no matter who, and watch yourself becoming the factor