7Raw & WG: freebies & quick ship.

Ordered from FL Friday before noon > arrived Monday. (7HydroxyRaw is near San Diego, CA while Wonderland Gardens is in Wilmington, NC). Paid ten clams for shipping with both vendors.

7Raw Version 3 of the Golden Dose is stronger in potency, and has a different flavor. It has that traditional alkaloid taste (last version (v2) had little to no flavor and left a salty taste). The experience is much more enjoyable now. Weight on the 1/2 gram was precise. Got 2 tabs as freebies. They have the 4way scoring so its the new batch.

Also ordered 5g of the new 7raw MitraMax mitragynine extract powder. It came in a massive jar and if I had to guess its closer to 10g. The flavor on the mit powder is the best I've had yet. It leaves your mouth slightly numb and takes the 7oh experience to a new level and extends the buzz for a longer duration.

WG: Got 1 gram of Pineapple v2 + 1 gram of VooDoo. Got 6 tabs of the small 18mg variety as a feebie. Both WG jars are overweight by about 1/2 gram.

I don't have the urge to try any new vendors at this point. Theres so many popping up outta nowhere. I like that WG has been a vendor for like 10 years or longer and a stellar reputation. I only branched out to try 7Raw when I found out that they manufacture their own 7oh in a commercial quality lab and have the absolute best price for powder and tabs right now. Hearing sad stories about shipping delays and poor customer service makes me scratch my head sometimes. We have these two awesome vendors both will exceed your expectations.