Giving away limited stuff + giveaway for the participants
So, I've been playing rl since 2020 like every weekend and even more, so I got a lot of items throughout the seasons of playing and getting xp, and now with this trading situation I decided to giveaway my items.
PLATFORM - PC (The giveaway for the BM's ended, winners- 1.BeeKeeper66 2.Raiderj9 3.goredwings 4.SickWizardSkills 5.MegaDuckDodgers. Thank you everyone! )
Don't forget to upvote so more people will see it
(The items at the link will be updated shortly, so less people will write down items that already were mentioned)
PAY ATTENTION: Some items are already mentioned, so what you gonna do is:
Find the items you want, and write their names down, if any color is fine mention the one you like the most so you will have a deafult choice
!!See and scroll down the comments to check if anyone already mentioned that/these items!! (right now this is very hard to do, after the updated version of the items it will be easier)
Leave a comment with the items you want :) (If you want to validate 100% if I still own the item/s you want, message me on CHATS and I'll check them for you and answer as soon as possible)
The only thing you have to do is to leave your RL username and the exact(!!!!) name of the item that you want, and I will try to get to you as soon as I can. If you have something to exchange for(credits, other limited items, ...) that would be great but it's not necessary.
PLEASE NOTE(1): My items are here by this link -
The max amount of items per trade - 3 in total and 1 from each category(1 decal, 1 wheel and 1 trail for example).
PLEASE NOTE(2): my hours of online will be across this week(22-29 of October), after that I stop answering comments and messages, unless you receive other instructions. Message me through CHATS (VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT), because the number of my replies here and comments of others is insane, and it's just very uncomfortable to go through all of them in search for the right one. The amount of people here is huge so please understand that I can't have items for everyone and be available 24/7. Huge thanks and wish the best to everyone. At the end of this week, I'll go through every nickname that is in those comments and they'll have a chance to win a 1000 credits to buy themselves a rocketpass or anything else they would want.(The winners of the previous giveaway don't participate, see the top of the post), so there's still a point to leave a comment here. I wish everyone a good week and good luck!)
If you have a friend that plays on ps4-ps5, write their names in your comment, and there'll be a giveaway of Stipple Gait for PS only.
PLEASE NOTE(3): Some item's of mine aren't tradable, please watch carefully and check that the item you want is available for trade. Items that are not available for trade have a look-alike mazda logo on the top right corner rotated right.