Trump Has To Be Removed Somehow

We are only about 2 months in.

In that time Trump has put an unelected billionaire in charge of the state as basically co-president who's trying to abolish the department of education, started to completely erode the accountability of the executive branch through several executive orders that centralize power and by ignoring court orders, take the power of the purse away from congress, alienate all U.S; allies, crashed the stock market, is on the way to creating a recession, has brought into serious question article 5 of NATO, the thing that has deterred war being declared on Western countries for decades, and threatened to invade several other countries including those same U.S. allies.

I'm seriously asking this but... how can we expected both the United States and the broader world to survive 4 full years of this?

Trump has to be removed in some way. But we all know he's not going to be removed by his own appointees or the Republican Party. There aren't recall elections for the president, even though there should be, He can't be indicted. Literally the only thing I can think of is for Trump's administration to get so undeniably bad, crash the economy so hard, that the Democrats win a supermajority in both houses of congress and then vote to impeach and remove him. But that feels like an unlikely outcome.

But seriously though, I just don't see how the United States ir the broader world can survive 4 years of this.

Like if Trump tries to follow through on his threat to take Greenland, legitimately what will happen? Will the military refuse the order? Can it even? Will the Republicans finally grow a pair and stand up to Trump? Will there just be riots in the streets and the disintegration of the United States? Will there be a war between Europe and American?

Like... this is insane. Regardless of what actually ends up happening the idea that these question have to even be seriously asked is insane.

I just don't see how this can continue for 4 years. I just don't. He needs to be impeached and removed but it feels like his own party will never do it.

It's truly crazy that right now it feels like the "best" outcome is a massive recession followed by the Democrats completely sweeping the country in the midterms (assuming the elections are fair) and then impeaching and removing the president. An outcome that feels unlikely, at least for the time being.

I know it's repetitive but... this is all just insane. I never thought I would ever see this.