My own boomer Dad made me homeless because I couldn't get a job and refused to let me be a "lay-about"

I've fell into the boomersbeingfools vibe and shared some stories of my workplace. It was quite theraputic so I thought I'd share the biggest boomersbeingfools moment of my life.

My "Dad" is a boomer. He worked for the same company since school and I don't think has ever actually applied for a job. I was 18 and just out of college having got a basic IT qualification here in the UK. Since the age of 13 - 16, I had a paper round and saved 50% of my money (which really wasn't much) and I also got some money from my grandparents that I was able to increase from some buying and reselling. He didn't believe in "pocket money" or giving us anything. Not once did he buy us a gift, write a card or even give us a hug. I was in full time college and left at 18 with a qualification in IT. I had a health issue that I was on a surgery waitlist for and expected to be able to recover from that at home with my family....boy was I wrong. I had genuinely applied for so many jobs and went on around 15 interviews. I never got any of the jobs because I had 0 confidence.

He approached me one day at 18 and basically said that I wasn't welcome at home and to pack my bags. The reason was is that I didn't have a job at 18 and he refused to have me "be a lay about". So I left with my bag and never went back. Literally had nowhere to go and wandered the streets for years, couch surfing and getting whatever help I could. I even met him once in the city and he just walked straight past me.

After many years of struggle I managed to get a job by hiding that I was homeless and that led to me being able to rent a place and so on. My older brother is 40 and still lives at home on a lower salary than me. My Dad still refuses to speak to me.

In the boomer mind it was better for me to be homeless, have no job and be out of the house than simply exist at home and job search (while living comically frugally and not taking a penny from him).